Well, where to start? Okay, the picture you see beside this text is the water filter I made at home. Obviously I used a large bucket mainly for my design that I got for free from work. It was actually quite simple to assemble, although I can't get too in depth as I don't want to step on the Clear Home Water owner's toes but the main parts I needed was the bucket, a spicket, basic home tools to cut the holes and such to connect the spicket to the bucket, and a few other parts I cannot name for said reasons.
Altogether this filter costed me I think it was a little under $7 to make in total and lasts for six months (as suggested by the CHW guide). This was just one design choice of thousands of different kinds of water filters you can make with the help of the Clear Home Water guys which again you can visit by clicking this link. Which design choice you decide on I guess depends on your situation, what kind of materials you have on hand, and what kind of filter you want. Wheter it's a whole house, faucet, under the sink, or quasi-picture, like the one I made.
But the bottom line is homemade water filters are cheap and believe it or not, fun to make. Like I said, I spent $7 on the one I made for parts and such while my replacement filters for my Brita picture would have cost me over $30 for a six month supply, and I actually feel safer that what I'm drinking is actually clean because I made the filter and think the water tastes better.
So once again, for those still in doubt, yes the homemade water filter guide is legit and yes it is cheap to make your own filters and no it doesn't take long at all to do really and even if it did it probably wouldn't seem like it because the process is actually fun and rewarding, especially if you're into do it yourself projects. So go ahead guys, check out the link above and come back and tell me how satisfied with Clear Home Water's product. :-)