I'm sure all of you at one point in your lives have had to deal with the pressures and the hassels of car lots and their annoying, sleazy salesmen who are looking to milk every dollar out of you that they can to pad their commission checks.
You usually wind up paying not hundreds, but thousands more than what they gave for the vehicle even after you chew them down a few hundred bucks. The question I'm going to ask you is why are we throwing our money away and basically handing it to these undeserving dealers and salesmen that just want to take not you, but your wallet for a ride when we can buy the vehicle we want, at the same places they do, and save ourselves not only a ton of money but a ton of headaches as well?
The places I speak of are car auctions. These are where around 75% of the vehicles you see on car lots across the country come from. Up for bid in these auctions are seized and repossessed vehicles taken by law enforcement agencies, banks, and lenders across the country and the world for whatever reason. And unlike what your local dealership would like for you to believe, there is nothing wrong with the autos up for bid at these things. For the most part they're clean, well taken care of late model vehicles that are worth ALOT more than what they usually go for because either not many people know about these auctions and when and where they take place, or they're just believeing the myths put out there by car dealers.
Thankfully for you there are now a ton of websites out there that have full auto auction listings from not only across the country, but across the world as well, including online auctions. These websites give detailed information of when and where auctions take place in your local town and instant access to the aforementioned online auctions where you can bid on your dream car immediately. Below is my list of the top 3 from my personal experiences:
1. Seized Cars - Seized Cars is by far the best car auction listings site out there today. They have hundreds of thousands of cars listed from just internet auctions and they're growing day by day. If you're in the market to purchase a new ride and want to sign up for just one of these auction sites, I reccommend this one. Hands down.
2. Government Auctions - Government Auctions is the original when it comes to these sites. They were the first ones out but have since been bypassed in quality and number of auctions and cars listed by "Seized Cars". But that's not to say this site is not still quality, because it is and is still worth every penny paid for membership.
3. Car Auction - If you're looking for the cheap option, membership to Car Auction's website is by far the cheapest. It isn't the best option by any stretch of the imagination. But cheap? Yes.
Which ever option you decide to go for in the end, it's going to be a bargain for the price of membership once you save more money than you could even imagine on a car that you and the family can be proud of. Car auctions are slowly growing in popularity, and rightfully so. The last car I purchased was from an auction. I got a 2006 Ford Mustang. A couple of weeks later I saw a similar Mustang at my local used car dealership so I figured, "What the heck, let's take a look and see how much they want for that baby." Well come to find out that car was the same model year as mine and had 10,000 more miles on it. The price? Almost FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS MORE than what I paid for mine! Food for thought.
Well I hope you enjoyed this review and check out what these sites have to offer you. Until next time, take care.
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